Friday, December 16, 2022

 Friday of the Third Week of Advent

(Isaiah 56-3a.6-8; John 5:33-36)

In John’s Gospel Jesus seems to be continually on trial before the Jews.  This explains the lack of a trial in the Passion account.  Jesus is presented today as calling a witness to defend himself.  He tells the Jews that they heard John the Baptist testify in his favor and that they had believed him before.   However, he adds that now they won’t accept John’s testimony. 

Next Jesus will admit evidence in his defense.  He says that the works – the healings and miraculous deeds like changing water into wine – testify to his being God’s emissary.  Unfortunately, the Jews will not be satisfied with this proof either.

Hopefully, we are.  Every year we have to decide to keep accepting Jesus at his word or to forget about his coming in glory.  Fortunately, we are boosted by the good we see in other Christians and by other experiences of grace.  We must continue to wait patiently for Jesus.  Maybe it will be soon.  But it will probably not be in our lifetime.  In any case, there is comfort in waiting with so many fine people.