Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wednesday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time

(I Kings 18:20-39; Matthew 5:17-19)

Today’s first reading tells the story of one of the most memorable events of the Old Testament.  However, it does not include what makes the event unforgettable.  After Elijah calls down fire from heaven upon the offerings, he has the 450 prophets of Baal slain!

The biblical author does not mean to glorify violence but to underscore as boldly as possible the need to worship the one God.  People tend to worship other gods whether they be pagan deities, horoscopes, or material things that have become priorities.  Like the prophets of Baal calling in vain their god to come down, these things will never satisfy completely.  They should be shunned.  To emphasize this necessity Elijah has the prophets of Baal slain.

We may feel confident that these false gods will never overtake us.  However, we are wise to keep praying to the Holy Spirit for help to resist their influence.  Many men and women are being trapped in the filth of pornography, undermined by the desire to be famous, and sidetracked by the lure of comfort.  It is God who saves us from sin and death.  Him alone we should thank and praise.