Thursday, December 22, 2023

Thursday of the Third Week of Advent

(Song of Songs 2:8-14; Luke 1:39-45)

The elderly woman was planning her wedding mass.  Both she and her fiancĂ© were widowed and now entering their second marriage.  The woman was presented with a selection of “first readings,” one of which was today’s passage from the Song of Songs.  “Oh no,” the woman exclaimed.  She did not think of her soon to be husband as the type of man who springs like a gazelle across the hills!

Yet this is how we should think of Christ coming for us!  The Song of Songs has been traditionally read by Christians as an allegory of Christ’s love for the Church.  Especially now as Christmas approaches, we should consider him eager to be with us.  He is always young and loving because he lives in resurrected life without wrinkles or tears.

We have a similar desire to be with him.  We may not spend a lot of time in Church, but we meet him as well in personal prayer and in the good people we encounter.  We want to share with him our joys and worries.  We will thank him for his blessings and not be shy to convey to him our love.