Monday, January, 20, 2025

Monday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time

(Hebrews 5:1-10; Mark 2:18-22)

The Letter to the Hebrews recognizes Christ as both human and the Son of God.  But it realizes that this does not mean that the human Jesus always had consciousness of being Son of God.  Rather, as today’s reading from the letter shows, Jesus had to learn how to conform his will to God’s.  As for everyone else, it was not an easy lesson.

The passage speaks of Christ’s learning obedience, the conforming of one’s will to another’s, through suffering.  As the first three gospels testify, in the garden Jesus asked God to release him from the Passion he was about to endure.  Nevertheless, he submitted himself to God when he said, ”…not my will but yours be done.”  As might be expected, the result of trusting himself completely to God was his death blossoming into resurrection glory.

Today’s reading from Hebrews makes the point that the merit of Christ’s obedience accrues entirely to those who choose him as their priest.  Being sinless, he did not need redemption.  It is to our advantage, as well as to the addressees’ of this letter, that we continue to follow him.