Homilette for Tuesday, October 30, 2007

You will find postings for weekdays October 29 and 30 below.

Tuesday, XXX Week of Ordinary Time

(Romans 8:12-17)

Hope has been compared to a little girl walking between her two bigger sisters – faith and love. At times it seems that faith and love have to drag hope along. That is, believing and giving we can find enough satisfaction in life that we do not consider the reward of heaven. Still at other times it is just the opposite. Hope seems to run ahead leading faith and love along.

A woman has cancer that may be incurable. She has unfailingly practiced her faith, and it has provided many blessings. Her husband loves her deeply. Her three children respect her sincerely. Her five grandchildren provide her consolation for the future. For a long time then faith and love have dominated any consideration of eternity. Now, however, hope has to take over.

The possibility of imminent death rivets our attention on the great questions of faith. Is there life after death? When will I experience it? Is it possible that I am not worthy? Hope moves us to believe in God and to use the rest of our time to serve Him. As St. Paul indicates in the first reading, we are not sure of what eternal life consists. We do not see it like we might see pictures of the city where our company is sending us to work. We can only trust in God that the sufferings we now face – whether it be the trials of cancer or the loneliness with which that many old people live -- will end in glory.

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