Homilette for Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wednesday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time

(Genesis 8:6-13.202-22; Mark 8:22-26)

“I see,” said the blind man. He is only being ironic. He does not claim to have sight as we usually think of it. But he may have insight – the ability to see the truth of things. Insight is the kind of vision which the blind man of today’s gospel ends with.

Jesus first gives the blind man physical sight to distinguish shapes and colors. But he is challenged to discern the nature of things. People to him are walking trees. Then Jesus tries again, and the man sees clearly. Most of all, his newly gained sight enables him to recognize Jesus as the long awaited one of Israel who is to bring shalom, the fullness of peace, to the land.

In the contemporary world thoroughly given to the awe of science and technology, we are challenged to identify Jesus. We may claim him as our “Lord and God,” but what do these terms mean if we spend our lives in pursuit of fortune or adventure? Mark’s gospel calls us to unrelenting recognition of Jesus as the source, end, and sustaining force of our lives.

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