Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent

(Isaiah 54:1-10; Luke 7:24-30)

John the Baptist sounds confused in regards to Jesus. He preached that the Messiah would come shovel in hand to burn evil-doers. But Jesus sits down with sinners to talk with them about the love of God. “What’s going on?” John seems to ask, “Are you the one who is to come?” The question is similar to what many today ask: “Is Jesus really our savior? Or perhaps we should put our faith in science to lead us to our heart’s desire?” Trusting in science would mean that we put personal welfare first. If they call us to lend a hand at the night shelter, we should refuse because of our need of a full night’s sleep. We would also support embryonic stem cell research for cures to threatening ailments even though it means the destruction of human life.

Jesus tells John’s emissaries to observe the works he has been performing. His healing of infirmities and casting of demons attest to his being sent from God. We followers of Christ note the best way of giving testimony to his Lordship is by caring for one another. It is not so important that we live fifty years or hundred as long as we pass our time in mutual affection. A young family demonstrated this truth in an adult education class. The father asked if he might bring into the class his daughter with cerebral palsy. The two younger sons stayed just outside the door and played by themselves. The mother explained during the course of the day that the girl becomes agitated only if she or her husband is not holding her. It’s a burden born in love. The family seems to have peace of heart because the younger siblings did not cause the slightest disruption although they were present for the full six hours of classes.

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