Monday, January 28, 2013

Saint Thomas Aquinas, priest and doctor of the Church

(Hebrews 9:15.24-28; Mark 3:22-30)

Engage a Catholic philosopher in a discussion about Thomas Aquinas and you are apt to be told that he was such a great theologian because first and foremost he was a philosopher. Yet it is said that the only academic title Thomas ever had was that of Doctor of the Sacra Pagina, that is Scripture. It is interesting to note how economists place Thomas prominently in the development of their science. Of course, he was an eminent man of letters having written poetry, prayers and hymns that are still in vogue.

Thomas Aquinas was a man of multiple talent and monumental ability. He knew everything that there was to be known in his time. Still more importantly, he was a saint because he combined his achievement with a supreme love for God and a gentle disposition toward neighbor. On his deathbed, he accredited Christ as the end of all his efforts. Preparing to receive the Eucharist, he prayed, “For you have I labored, for you have I studied and preached and taught.”

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