Thursday, December 22, 2022

Thursday of the Fourth Week of Advent

(I Samuel 1:24-28; Luke 1:46-56)

As everyone knows, today many if not most people get their news online.  That is, as much as the reports may be called “news,” people find them on the Internet.  What they see is a blend of events that call attention to themselves along with multiple tidbits about the rich and famous.  The latter group consists of entertainers, athletes, and billionaires.  It is what holds the attention of most people for months, years, even decades.  The whole world now has been nurtured on this stream of vanity.

In today’s gospel Mary gives a news report one hundred and eighty degrees opposite to the dominant interests of our times.  She tells of God giving preference to herself, a humble young woman who tries to please Him.  From there she tells of how God plans to spurn the rich, proud, and powerful in favor of the lowly who do His will.  She speaks of these things boldly because she will soon give birth to the one who will bring about this new social order.

Christmas challenges us to side with Mary.  It has become so filled with material superabundance that its spiritual offering is often forgotten.  We take Mary’s side by different concrete actions.  We should go out of our way to include the poor in our Christmas giving.  We should also dedicate considerable time to prayer and reflection over the events of the Incarnation.  Finally, we should find opportunities to tell friends and family of our love and appreciation.   Making a custom of these practices, we will hear the good news about Christ, not the fake news about the high and mighty.

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