Monday, December 30, 2025

The Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas

(I John2:12-17; Luke 2:36-40)

The first addressees of today’s first reading are probably not kids, but the “fathers” and the “young men” addressed next.  The writer, called “John, the Presbyter”, sees himself as a father figure instructing his “children.”

The Presbyter teaches a perennial lesson: beware of the world’s enticements.  He knows that they can easily lead one away from salvation won by Christ.  Concupiscence or lust, envy or desire for what others have, and pretension or thinking one is better than who she or he is deprive many of true happiness.

As we enter a new year, we can make a resolution not to be blindsided by lust, envy, or pretension.  Rather we must keep our eyes and hearts firmly on Jesus.

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