Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Wednesday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time

(Hebrews 10:11-18; Mark 4:1-20)

Much has been said this last month about presidential pardons.  People may be perplexed about the pardon the retiring president made for crimes not only already prosecuted but also for crimes not prosecuted yet.  Whatever the possibility of this outcome in civil society, it is what Christ’s sacrifice on the cross accomplished.  This is today’s message from the Letter to the Hebrews.

The Letter speaks of Christ’s one offering for sins making “perfect forever those who are being consecrated.”  It is referring to the death of Jesus on the cross justifying those who give themselves over to him in Baptism.  Their sins are forgiven as they recognize themselves as guilty of sin.  This takes place in Baptism and also in the Sacrament of Penance.  In the latter post-Baptismal men and women recognize themselves as having betrayed or at least having compromised their consecration to Christ.

It’s not easy these days to confess one’s sins.  It is to acknowledge weakness and corruption in a world that vaunts strength and beauty.  Yet we must realize that in doing so, Christ is not only forgiving but also perfecting us.

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