Reflection on Beginning the New Year

We mark time by years, and months, weeks, and days -- not so much by hours, minutes, and seconds -- but perhaps by light and darkness. A new year as a new day gives us the opportunity to make a fresh start. It inspires the sense of hope.

Each of us hopes for different things but certainly there are common denominators, at least for those who carry their crosses behind the Lord. We want to see our work prosper, for others as well as ourselves. We want to see our loved ones grow in wisdom, strength, and beauty as well as in faith and love. We long to see less contention, both in places where war rages and among people who share much background but lack common ideological perspective.

As we launch into the workdays of the New Year, let us resolve that we will make an added effort for peace among those we encounter. And let pray us pray that God may imbue His Spirit of love in the world.

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