Homilette for Monday, April 16, 2007

Monday, II Easter

(John 3)

Raymond used to drink a lot. We would say he had a drinking problem. He might have even called himself an alcoholic bound to nowhere except, perhaps, an early death. One day, however, he decided to stop drinking. The decision came in the midst of prayer and was supported by prayer. Since that moment Raymond has never been drunk again. In fact, he never takes a drink although he will sip the Precious Blood when it is offered at Mass.

Such a radical turnabout seems to be what Jesus has in mind when he speaks of being born again. He does not intend to say that one has merely to submit to the Baptism ritual to see the kingdom of God. No, he seems to have a more fundamental experience in mind. He seems to mean undergoing a transformation so that the person lives in a completely new way. Like Raymond those who experience such a change know that it is primarily not their doing. Rather it is a work of grace. Many in the early Church evidently were so tranformed as they were preparing for Baptism.

What about those baptized at a tender age? People like most of us – are we squatters in the kingdom of God? Perhaps. We can test ourselves. Do we see radical change for the better in ourselves? Do we find ourselves becoming more God-like? If we liked to talk about ourselves, are we now ready to listen to others? If we used to look at others as objects of sexual fancy, are we now seeing them as God’s children? Such transformation is what water and the Spirit is all about.

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