Homilette for Friday, May 4, 2007

Friday, IV Easter

(John 14)

Jesus’ self-identification as “the way, the truth, and the life” might remind us of a crowned knot bringing together three strands of rope. Just as the Holy Trinity is called “the crowned knot of fire” bringing together the three Persons into the one nature of love, so Jesus is the crowned knot that ties us to that divine union.

Jesus identifies himself as “the way.” He leads us to God. The way calls us to mutual service in imitation of him who washed his disciples’ feet. We may see an example of this service in our parish’s Lima Center. Everyday John, Lorraine, and Pablo assist Sr. Ann care for troubled people.

Jesus also says that he is “the truth.” Our minds search for truth as we investigate the causes of things. Jesus will tell Pilate that he came into the world to testify to “the truth.” Pilate cynically asks, what is that? The truth to which Jesus testifies and, indeed, incarnates is God’s love for the world. By his grace we make the necessary sacrifices to serve others.

Finally, Jesus calls himself “the life.” This life goes beyond natural life like an iPod goes beyond a portable radio. It is the experience of utter joy in God’s company. We have a miniature experience of this joy when we eat Jesus’ body and drink his blood. It is a moment of rest and refreshment in our service. It anticipates the eternal day when God will wait on us in a banquet beyond all telling.

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