Homilette for Thursday, May 24, 2007

Thursday, May 24, The Transfer of St. Dominic’s Remains

(John 17)
The Lord has blessed the Dominican Order with unity. Where several other large orders have fractured, the Dominicans have stayed united. The Dominican Constitutions detailing the dynamics of communal life has, no doubt, contributed to this unity. Perhaps also Dominicans have resisted the impulse to divide over disagreements out of love for St. Dominic.

St. Dominic enjoyed talking with the brothers and sisters. This inclination to socialize was exceeded only by his desire to pray for the Order and its mission. Jordan of Saxony, St. Dominic’s successor, said of him, “During the day, none was more affable, none more pleasant to his brethren or associates. At night none was more instant in prayer or watching.” Today the Dominican Order celebrates the Transfer of St. Dominic’s Remains from their original burial place to a special tomb. It was Dominic’s desire to be buried under the choir stalls where the friars prayed. Obviously, he wished to perpetually remain part of their unity.

In the gospel Jesus prays to the Father that his disciples remain one. The source of the unity of Christians is to be love of him. He asks the Father that “the love with which you loved me may be in them.” He is praying for the same kind of unity that has blessed the Dominican Order for almost 800 years.

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