Homilette for Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thursday, XV of Ordinary Time

(Genesis 3)

Most people these days seem to be on a “first-name basis.” Perhaps some seniors are jarred when telephone sales reps use their first names as if they were card-playing buddies. But the younger generation generally finds such familiarity unremarkable. So some of us at least may have a hard time understanding what a concession God is granting to Moses when He reveals His name “I am who am.” However, let us think of it as God’s revealing His cellular number. Now Moses and the Israelites can reach God for assistance at any time.

Perhaps more important than the name, therefore, is what God’s granting His name indicates -- God cares about His people intensely. In the Old Testament He focuses attention on Israel, the Chosen People. He will use them to bring the whole human race together. But time after time Israel fails to respond to God’s directives. Eventually, however, a descendant of Israel will obediently carry out God’s purpose. This, of course, is Jesus, the son of Mary.

It is said that “I am who am” reveals the essence of God, i.e., the source of all being. Jesus will show beyond any doubt that being is not a passive or indifferent at its source but both passionate and compassionate. Through Jesus God will break down the stubbornness and hatred that keep humans from Him and from one another. In Jesus God will reach out to all – especially the lowliest of people -- to make them one with Him.

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