Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thursday of the Second Week of Lent

(Jeremiah 17:5-10; Luke 16:19-31)

As in yesterday’s readings, those of today feature contrast.  The first reading, again from Jeremiah, contrasts the person who puts final trust in human beings and the one who trusts above all in God.  The former will find his life withering as friends naturally or maliciously forget old acquaintances.  But God does not forget those who remember Him as the passage testifies.

The gospel relates the famous parable of Lazarus and the rich man.  The rich man ignores the beggar at his door.  He concerns himself with fine clothes and sumptuous meals.  But his pursuits have no permanent consequence.  He will be forgotten in eternity which is indicated by his name not mentioned in the entire story.  Meanwhile Lazarus, the beggars, enjoys eternal life in the bosom of Abraham.  Was he merciful to others on earth?  Evidently, yes, he was as God is merciful to those who show mercy.

 Of all times during the year Lent is the season for us to show mercy.  No doubt there are suffering people in all of our lives that we have been meaning to assist but have never found the time to do so.  As the Scripture reads, “Now is the favorable time; now is the day of salvation.”

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