Monday of the
Nineteenth Week in Ordinary time
(Ezekiel 1:2-5.24-28c; Matthew 17:22-27)
Every other summer the Church presents a healthy
selection of readings from the prophets of Israel in weekday masses. Some may wonder why the Church bothers with
these ancient authors. For centuries the
answer was because the prophets foretell the coming of Christ. But since the Vatican renewal, the prophets
and, indeed, the entire Old Testament are read with a wider scope.
In today’s reading the prophet Ezekiel tells of his call
to proclaim the word of God. He finds
himself in Babylonia as an exile. The
heavens roar with thunder, and the lightning gives way to a vision of glory.
God appears in human form. The scene is
reminiscent of a famous definition of God as mysterium tremendum et fascinans (fearful and
fascinating mystery).
God calls us out of ourselves
and our petty concerns to serve Him. The
experience can be frightening. It means letting go of at least a modicum of
peace. But following the Lord’s
directive, we will find greater happiness.
He will lead us to a life transcending our dreams.
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