Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Wednesday of the Eighteenth Week in Ordinary Time

(Numbers 13:1-2.25-14.1.26a-29a.34-35; Matthew 15:21-28)

In today’s world of political correctness Jesus’ remark to the Canaanite woman would be duly noted.  Comparing another’s child to a house dog does sound coarse.  But let us hope that no one dismisses Jesus because of that comment.  After all, he was on retreat and does take pity on the child.

The faith of the Canaanite is more worth noting.  She first believes that Jesus, the Jewish healer, could help her daughter.  Then she withstands the slight to persist in her request.  She shows a mother’s love and a saint’s faith. Like the woman who comes to anoint Jesus before his death (Matthew 26:13), she will be remembered forever.

We should strive to be as compassionate as Jesus and as faith-filled as the Canaanite woman.  Even when tired, we cannot neglect to care for those in need around us.  Perhaps more importantly, we must look to Jesus as the one who heals both us and others.

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