Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Wednesday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time

(Colossians 1:1-8; Luke 4:38-44)

The Gospel according to Luke presents Jesus in many different ways.  He is the preeminent man of prayer.  It is said that in the third gospel Jesus prays before taking every significant action. Jesus appears here as one of the world’s greatest story-tellers.  Who could argue that his most moving parables are not found in Luke’s gospel?  Luke also presents Jesus as the great reconciler.  Even Herod and Pilate become friends after dealing with Jesus.  It also may be said that in Luke’s gospel Jesus is peripatetic; that is, he is always on the go.

Today’s gospel shows Jesus ready to hit the road again.  It also gives the reason for his constant travelling.  He says, “’…I must proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of God, because for this purpose I have been sent.’”  Jesus is intent on moving from place to place because his message is vital.  The “Kingdom of God” is nothing less than God Himself.  Jesus is saying that now God is at hand in a way never seen before.  Through Jesus God gives the people practical help.  Jesus with God’s grace drives out demons, cures illnesses, and reconciles enemies.

Surely today the same message needs to be preached.  In many ways the world is losing its moorings.  The increasing number of refugees manifests the lack of social justice.  We need God to save us from our excesses and to lead us to genuine care for one another.  And so we are needed to follow Jesus in proclaiming God to the world.

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