Monday, June 21, 2021

 Monday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time

(Genesis 12:1-9; Matthew 7:1-5)

Many young men today hear a call like the one Abram receives in today’s first reading.  They are moved to leave behind homeland and family to live in a new land.  They are not necessarily pious as Abram probably was not.  But they feel an invisible power beckoning them to a life more bountiful than the one they leave behind.  Thinking about Abram today, one might recall the millions of immigrants around the world.  They are searching for a better life than the poverty and often violence of their own countries.

This is the beginning of the story of God’s chosen people.  All descendants of Abram and his wife Sarai will be part of that nation.  Sarai is childless to this point. Later Genesis comments that she is very beautiful.  God has called this adventuresome man with an eye for a beautiful woman to father a special people.  Their righteousness in time will lead the world to praise Him.

Like Jews we understand Abram to be our father in faith.  His rather earthly character should remind us that God does not only call the saintly but us as well.  Like Abram also we must respond to God’s call.  This is not a once-and-for-all proposition.  Rather, it means faithfulness day-in and day-out even when it seems like an absurd venture.

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