Wednesday, June 23, 2021

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Wednesday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time

(Genesis 15:1-12.17-18; Matthew 7:15-20)

Jean Vanier was often described as a living saint.  He founded a network of small communities aiding the mentally and physically disabled.  He also gave talks and wrote books on living a gospel-centered life. When his sexual abuse of several women became known after his death, many were shocked.  Is he a prophet in sheep’s clothing of whom Jesus warns in today’s gospel?

Perhaps, but like most human situations his life was complex.  No one could deny that he helped many people.  He also seemed to live very humbly.  Moreover, lust, at one time natural and despicable, has infected many prominent men.  On the other hand, Vanier knowingly manipulated at least six women in the context of giving spiritual direction.

We must judge Vanier as greatly flawed.  He did not coincide perfectly with Jesus’ example of a rotten tree because he did produce some good fruit.  We should pray that his sins be forgiven.  In doing that, however, let us also pray for his victims.

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