Friday, August 13, 2021

 Friday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time

(Joshua 24:1-13; Matthew 19:3-12)

Curious things are happening today.  Many are renouncing marriage.  Some of these prefer to cohabitate without committing themselves to another.  Others are drawing into themselves, using pornography and masturbation to satisfy sexual desires, and avoiding the challenge of intimacy. Jesus addresses simpler situations in today’s gospel, but his remarks may be applied to today’s experience.

The disciples cannot be serious when they say, “’…it is better not to marry.’”  As trying as divorce may be, people enter marriage with the hope that the relationship will be satisfactory.  But Jesus accepts the remark.  He indicates that celibacy is better for those who choose it in order to work for God’s Kingdom.  This is the motive of religious sisters and priests when they discern a vocation.  It goes without saying that Jesus would not approve of promiscuous relationships.  But he would have patience with those who fall into the pornography trap.  He might see them as at least temporarily incapable of marriage because they were “made so by others.”  He might inspire those who renounce marriage for the Kingdom to show particular patience for these strayed sheep.

Sex, of course, is a touchy subject.  It is as necessary as bread for continued life, but it can lead to different kinds of trouble.  We should treat it prudently be taking into account of our feelings and consulting a wise mentor.  Important as well is adhering to the commandments as sexual experiences can easily take us off course.

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