Wednesday, January 19, 2022

 Wednesday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time

(I Samuel 17:32-33.37.40-51; Mark 3:1-6)

The biblical story of little David defeating the mighty Goliath has become a template.  We see any contest between unequal opponents a “David vs. Goliath” rematch. However, the biblical story conveys much more than underdog grit outperforming giant power.

 Essential to David’s victory is God’s presence.  As Goliath has a shield bearer going before him, David is preceded by the Lord.  The staff in his hand represents God’s assistance.  As a staff reins in an errant sheep, the Lord keeps David from becoming neither fearful nor overconfident in battle.  God assists David in slaying Goliath just as He humbled Pharaoh during the Exodus.

We often see ourselves as small as David compared to the giant challenges of life.  We may witness a thug beating up someone and wonder what to do.  Or we may face a cancerous condition that leaves us shaking.  At such times we do well to pray that God act on our behalf.  He is there to hel

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