Monday, February 21, 2022

 (Optional) Memorial of Saint Peter Damian, bishop and doctor of the Church

(James 3:13-18; Mark 9:14-29)

Today the Church remembers St. Peter Damian.  He was a monk, scholar, and reformer.  Recently he has been cited for sounding the alarm on clerical sexual abuse in the eleventh century!  Raised on a farm, Peter was shocked by rampant homosexuality among priests and even bishops.  He wrote a letter to the reform-minded Pope Leo IX describing the abuse in direct terms. 

Ecclesial corruption reached all-time highs during the tenth and eleventh centuries.  Many clerics were living openly with their wives and children.  Ecclesial offices were being bought and sold.  One of the worse popes in history, Benedict IX, occupied the Chair of Peter for much of half a century.  His name was connected to rape, murder, bribery, adultery, and sodomy.  Only because of ascetical men like Peter Damian and the reforming popes Leo IX and Gregory VII was the Church saved from dissolution.

The Letter of James today provides sure wisdom to avoid corruption.  We want to develop humility and avoid jealousy and selfish ambition.  We also need to be people of peace and generous in showing mercy.  At the same time we should endeavor to be constant in seeking and defending the truth.

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