Thursday, March 24, 2022

 Thursday of the Third Week of Lent

 (Jeremiah 7:23-28; Luke 11:14-23)

 This is an age of expressive individualism.  People want to show off the choices they have made about themselves.  Many of these choices are frivolous. Take color, for example. Most settle for changing the color of their hair to blond  or brunette.  Some, however, opt for an exotic green or blue.  Other choices affect the core being of the person.  One such choice that some people claim to make is a gender different than the one indicated by their chromosomes.  They don’t necessarily choose to be a man when they are biologically a women.  They may consider themselves some sort of hybrid.  Another way people express their choice is faith.  Some choose to trust God.  Others see the Buddha as the source of enlightenment.  Still others think humanity is worthy of their ultimate allegiance.

Today’s readings treat the choice of a prophet who speaks for God.  In the first reading the Lord says that the people have rejected Him in not listening to Jeremiah.  In the gospel Jesus defends his status as God’s spokesman with an argument and a parable.  He argues that Satan cannot be the source of his exorcisms because Satan would be warring against himself.  Rather, he says, the one, true God is the source of his power.  For this reason, the people should accept him, Jesus, as his prophet.  In the parable Jesus points out that Satan has been overwhelmed by God’s prophet.  Now the people can reclaim from Satan their freedom to live with freedom and dignity.

Especially during Lent Jesus asks us to renew our faith in him.  This means limiting our expressive individualism to what corresponds to his virtue.  We must follow his directives to live lovingly, chastely, and wisely.

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