Wednesday, April 20, 2022

 Wednesday in the Octave of Easter

(Acts 3:1-10; Luke 24:13-35)

Ask people who work daily with the poor about giving money to a street beggar.  They will probably tell you it is not a good idea and advise you to contribute to a charity.  In today’s first reading Peter suggests something more.  He would have you share Jesus Christ with the person.

It is not a pious put-off.  In a poem called “Eucharist” the narrator speaks of a ragman, a prostitute, a lonely widow he meets.  To each he responds as a caring neighbor.  He greets the ragman, kindly refuses the prostitute’s offer, and listens to the lonely woman.  These actions were giving Christ.

After the Lenten exercise we should find less trouble in living as new women and men.  Discernment should easier.  Doing good should be more of a joy.  We have experienced the risen Christ in the liturgies of Holy Week.  Now we share him with others.

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