Wednesday, April 6, 2022

 Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Lent

(Daniel 3:14-20.91-92.95; John 8:31-42)

George Weigel wrote a well-regarded biography of St. John Paul II.  He probably knows as much about the revered pope as anyone.  Recently, Weigel commented that once St. John Paul was asked which biblical verse had affected him the most.  Weigel said the saint did not have to stop and think.  Immediately, John Paul II answered, John 8:31: “’And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’”  Jesus proclaims these words in today’s gospel.

A basic truth of human life is that men and women are sexual beings who are made to unify with one person of the other sex. People cannot choose their gender, nor can they have multiple unions.  Making the most of these truths by choosing wisely one’s spouse leads to fulfilling love.  The couple can have a family, pursue careers, and enjoy the variety of possibilities that life offers.

We live in an age when many have forsaken the truth in order to live life in their own way.  Some seek pleasure above all; others, power or adventure.  We must resist these temptations.  Living virtuously as people with an eternal destiny, we will have wonderful experiences.  If we seek him, we will come to know the Lord.  Then we will be ready to enjoy his gracious love forever.

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