Friday, June 3, 2022

 Memorial of Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs

(Acts 25:13b-20; John 21: 15-19)

In today’s gospel Jesus indicates “by what kind of death (Peter) would glorify God.”  He tells Peter that someone will lead him where he would rather not go. He means that Peter would die as a martyr giving witness to Jesus.  Today’s patron saints also died after being led by another where they would rather not go.

Charles Lwanga was a layman who served in the court of the Ugandan king.  In charge of court pages, Charles protected them from the king’s perverted desires.  His defiance brought on persecution for the pages as well as Charles.  They suffered the horrible martyrdom of being roasted alive.

Who can understand human cruelty of such dimension?  Yet it displays itself perhaps in every culture and in every period of time.  Like the Ugandan martyrs we hope to give witness to Jesus Christ, who also suffered terrible cruelty.  By our patience in the face of injustice we too can glorify God.

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