Tuesday, July 26, 2022

 Memorial of Saints Joachim and Ann, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary

(Jeremiah 14:17-22; Matthew 13:36-43)

Many like to think of Saints Joachim and Anne as the grandparents of Jesus.  They likely do so because grandparents today are often principal influences on the religious development of children.  The Church, on the other hand, name Joachim and Anne as only “the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary.”  Because all that is said of them comes from apocryphal stories, it need not treat them at all.  Yet they provide a lens for considering Christ’s role in the world.

Today’s first reading should remind us of what is happening in Ukraine.  Jeremiah describes the complete destruction of Jerusalem much like what has happened in Mariupol and other Ukrainian cities.  That country is being demolished to the discouragement of the people.  In the reading the prophet can only cry to God in penitence and supplication.

After World War II our grandparents left us a legacy of hope.  They struggled to overcome the tyranny of the Nazis and of the Communists.  Trusting in the Lord, they structured a peaceful world with the United Nations as a principal resource.  It was obviously not a perfect arrangement.  Today we Christians turn again to Christ with an appeal for wisdom, strength, and patience.  We see in him the means of grace to shape a peace based on justice in the Ukraine.

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