Wednesday, July 6, 2022

 Wednesday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

(Hosea 10:1-3.7-8.12; Matthew 10:1-7)

The readings from the prophet Hosea these past two days tell of sowing and reaping.  Yesterday the prophet warned that if Israel sows the wind, it will reap the whirlwind.  The wind is the panoply of false gods – money, pleasure, power, and prestige.  Hosea means that any people who strives for these vanities is bound to wreak havoc upon itself.  This result was evidenced after World War I, the so-called “Great War.”  After the Allied powers imposed heavy penalties upon Germany, a second, more disastrous war followed.

In today’s reading Hosea pleads with Israel to “sow for yourselves” justice so that it may “reap the fruit of piety.”  If a nation endeavors to put into practice the Lord’s justice, it will be duly rewarded.  After World War II, the United States established the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe.  As a result, in not too many years the whole continent flourished economically.  The United States had markets for its products as well as the goodwill of the world.

We sometimes see slogans like “follow your dreams” or “do what your feelings tell you.”  Such advice might lead to “sow(ing) the wind.”  We are wise to think through our dreams and feelings to see where they are leading.  If they move us to love God and neighbor, then yes; let’s consider them seriously.  If not, let’s find fruitful alternatives.

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