Monday, August 15, 2022

 Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

(Revelation11:19a.12:1-6a.10ab; I Corinthians 15:20-27; Luke 1:39-56) 

For some the dogma of the Assumption of Mary seems like a pious statement with little practical effect.  It assures the faithful that the mother of Jesus remains close to her son bodily as well as spiritually in eternal life.  But such a reading sells the doctrine short. 

In the first place, Mary’s body being assumed into heaven asserts the importance of our bodies.  It reassures that our bodies are not just instruments to inform the mind.  They have an eternal destiny and should be duly cared for.  Neglect of “fitness” is as much a fault as neglect of learning. 

The reading from Revelation today points to a second importance of the Assumption.  Evil forces surround us as they threatened the mother of the Savior.  We must take advantage of the means God has provided to resist them.  Regular use of the sacraments, attention to Scripture, friendship with the good people in the Church as well as prayer will enable us also to attain eternal life.

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