Tuesday, November 29, 2022

 Tuesday of the First Week of Advent

(Isaiah 11:1-10; Luke 11:21-24)

An old lament sums up the longing for a just ruler in today’s readings.  The words read: “It’s the song the whole world over; it’s the poor what get the blame.  It’s the rich what get the curry; ain’t it all a blooming shame.”  The world yearns for leaders who will defend the poor against unjust demands

Isaiah provides characteristics of the just ruler.  These have been universalized as the “Gifts of the Holy Spirit.”  Isaiah also idealizes the effects of having a judge so discerning.  He looks forward to peace among predators and prey as well fair judgments to both rich and poor.  In the gospel Jesus offers himself as the peacemaker.  He is the one whom prophets like Isaiah foresaw as coming to rescue the just.

The gospels teach us Jesus’ impact on life in Palestine.  He outwitted the charlatans and swindlers of his time.  His self-surrender to the corrupt rulers in the end brought about their downfall, not his.  We long for his promised return.   He will vindicate any suffering that we have had to make and crown our good works with eternal life.

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