Thursday, December 8, 2022

 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgen Mary

(Genesis 3:9-15.20; Ephesians 1:3-5.11-12; Luke 1:26-38)

Today’s feast day provides an opportunity to reflect not only on Mary, the mother of Jesus, but also on Jesus, the savior of the world.  The first reading describes the trial scene where God interrogates Adam and Eve and then passes judgment on the serpent.  The couple admit to having disobeyed God’s commandment.  Their guilt will be passed on to all humans except for Jesus and Mary.  The serpent, traditionally recognized as the devil, is destined to be crushed by a human being who has been identified with Christ.

In the gospel’s conversation between God’s angel and the Virgen Mary, Mary is told that her son will be called “Jesus,” a name which means “The Lord saves.” Jesus will save human beings from sin precisely by defeating the serpent-devil.  He will have the power to do so because he is the Son of God conceived by the Holy Spirit as well as the son of Mary.

The second reading further explains the reason for our celebration.  Because God chose us to believe in Christ, we have been purged of the guilt incurred by Adam and Eve’s sin.  Now we exist not for ourselves and not for a limited time.  We exist to give praise to God forever.  Some may question the desirability of giving such praise to another.  We might think of it as the glory of having a brother or sister declared sovereign of the greatest empire on earth.

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