Monday, February 13, 2023

 Monday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time

(Genesis 4:1-15.25; Mark 8:11-13)

An African American theologian wrote of growing up in rural Arkansas.  His parents were poor farmers, but that did not keep them from dressing up for church every Sunday.  Sixty years ago, just about all Americans dressed in their “Sunday best” for church.  Now most people prefer to be casual and some, even careless.  Much like Cain in today’s reading, they demonstrate a lack of respect for God.

Commentators have pointed out that Genesis does not indicate why Cain’s sacrifice is rejected.  However, God’s admonishing him to do better likely indicates that his first offering missed the mark.  As sometimes happens, guilt leads to shame and shame to more reckless acts.  Cain murders his brother.

We want to do our best for God.  One preacher wrote a book whose title sums up this desire, My Utmost for His Highest.  When our offerings are worthy, God will help us.  We should pray with attention, give to the needy with generosity, and make sacrifices with equanimity.

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