Monday, February 27, 2023

 Monday of the First Week of Lent

(Leviticus 19:1-2.11-18; Matthew 25,31-46)

Today’s first reading is taken from the famous “Holiness Code” in the Book of Leviticus.  The code lists a series of precepts that are to be followed so that one may become holy as God is holy.  The precepts mirror the Decalogue, but today’s reading has a striking peculiarity.  It tells the reader not to show “partiality to the weak.”  Doesn’t this conflict with the blessing that Jesus bestows on those who serve the needy in the gospel reading?

It doesn’t if one takes into account the context of the prohibition of partiality.  One should not show partiality in a judicial proceeding.  A criminal suspect should be judged guilty or innocent person according to the evidence, not according to the person’s socio-economic status.  Nevertheless, a weak person should be assisted in meeting physical needs.  In the gospel Jesus extends the scope of beneficiaries.  They are not only members of one’s family or community but to strangers as well. 

Despite our reluctance to think of ourselves as holy, achieving holiness is our vocation in life.  It is also the objective of Lent.  We recognize that it is a long road, and it often seems that we proceed at a snail’s pace.  But through the years and with constant effort, progress becomes evident.

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