Monday, April 24, 2023


Monday of the Third Week of Easter

(Acts 6:8-15; John 6:22-29)

In today’s gospel Jesus performs another sign.  It is subtler than feeding more than five thousand with five barley loaves and two fish.  Yet its meaning has all the feeding’s profundity.  After providing bread for the multitude, Jesus goes to the mountain alone while his disciples return to their boat anchored in the lake.  That night, however, Jesus, walking on water, catches up to them.  All are transported seemingly in one swoop to Capernaum.

When the people arrive in the city, they are amazed to see Jesus.  His sudden appearance is the sign whose implication is that he comes from heaven to reveal God’s love.  As Jesus says, they are interested in him because he could give them food, not because he is from God.

Perhaps we also are more taken up more with the miraculous movement of Jesus than with its meaning.  Let us take note that he comes from God to share his divine life with us.

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