Thursday, April 6, 2023

Holy Thursday – Evening Mass of the lord’s Supper

(Exodus 12:1-8.11-14; I Corinthians 11:23-26; John 13:1-15)

There is a profound relationship between the first reading and the gospel that we must explore.  After doing this, we can better appreciate the gist of the second reading.

The reading from the Book of Exodus describes how God has liberated Israel from slavery in Egypt.  It tells of the annual meal that sons and daughters of Israel gather to this very day to celebrate their liberation.  Later in the book Exodus shows the purpose of Israel’s liberation.  The people are freed from bondage to Pharaoh so that they may serve the one, true God.  Out of Egypt less than two months the Israelites arrive at Sinai where God presents the Law to Moses.  The Law will stipulate exactly how they  are to serve.

In the gospel Jesus washes the feet of his disciples.  This is no ordinary purification rite.  Jesus washes his disciples’ feet as an example of the Law that he is imposing on the New Israel.  Like with God’s instruction about how to eat the Passover meal, the purpose of the foot washing is not clear at first.  Jesus tells Peter that what he is doing will be understood later.  After he is risen from the dead and the Holy Spirit is sent, his disciples will understand that washing the feet of one another symbolizes mutual, loving service.  The disciples are to humbly help one another live like Christ in the world.

Doing that is no easy task.  We have plenty of concerns in our own homes to worry about what happens in others.  We need Christ’s own help to love as he loved.  He provides this help in the Eucharist which St. Paul describes in the reading from his First Letter to the Corinthians.  Jesus himself nourishes us with his body and blood so that we might lovingly assist our neighbors. 

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