Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Wednesday of the Third Week of Easter

(Acts 8:1b-8; John 6:35-40)

In today’s gospel passage Jesus says, “’I am the bread of life.’”  Not many verses later, and in the same discourse, he calls himself “’the living bread that came down from heaven.’”  Jesus uses the same word – “bread” – to refer to himself in both cases.  But it does not mean the same thing in each context. 

In the first part of what is known as the “Eucharistic discourse,” “bread” refers to Jesus as the wisdom of God.  It is food of the deepest thought.  Consuming it is accepting the words and deeds of Jesus as one’s way of life.  The latter use of “bread” is applied directly to the Eucharist.  Consuming it makes one like Jesus.  It identifies the person with Christ’s community, the Church.  It gives her the moral courage and strength to love as he loved.  It brings her into God’s household and makes her His child.

John the Evangelist is iconized by an eagle.  His soaring ideas must be pondered and then lived.  Doing so, we will end up -- as Jesus promises today -- being raised up on the last day.

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