Thursday, May 11, 2023

Thursday of the Fifth Week of Easter

(Acts 15:7-21; John 15:9-11)

In today’s reading from Acts Jesus’ disciples resolve a crisis that could have split the Church.  James, the leader of the conservative Jewish Christians, declares that gentile converts need not eat only kosher foods.  Moved by the Holy Spirit, James accepted the rationale proposed by Peter and Paul that people are saved by faith in Christ.

The Church today faces challenges like the one featured in Acts.  Liberals keep clamoring for ordination of women and Communion to the divorced and remarried.  Conservatives want more access to the pre-1960 Latin mass.  These issues cannot be resolved by compromise but by careful discernment and prayer.  Synods may widen perspectives, but ultimately the Holy Spirit will make known the way to proceed.

We may find it hard to trust in the Spirit.  However, trust in the Spirit does not prohibit us from carefully considering the different arguments.  Doing so, we will be able to understand the reasons the pope and other bishops give for their determinations.

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