Thursday, July 27, 2023

Thursday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time

(Exodus 19:1-2.9-11.16-20b); Matthew 13:10-17)

To begin to appreciate God, one must recognize his awesomeness. He is more powerful than anyone or anything humans can imagine.  The Book of Exodus indicates God’s awesomeness by prescribing a two-day purification before meeting with Him.  The cleansing serves more to remind them of their moral failure than to remove any physical impurity.

Awesomeness also marks God’s meeting His people.  It takes the shape of a mountain volcano about to explode.  The people tremble as if they surely will die.  They realize that whatever God has to say must be given all seriousness.

How can God’s awesomeness be reconciled with our experience of God in Jesus Christ?  He came to us as a teacher using familiar stories.  He is present to us today under the presence of bread and wine.  The humbleness of Jesus only disguises his power.  His self-sacrifice has brought about the defeat of the reign of sin and death.

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