Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Memorial of Saint Benedict, abbot

(Genesis 32:23-33; Matthew 9: 32-38)

A new television series, “Mrs. Davis,” is bringing public attention to the possibility of artificial intelligence controlling human behavior.  Artificial intelligence can use algorithms, complex sets of reactions to human actions, to manipulate people.  Its potential for success is immense given the extensive fascination with the Internet.  The protagonist of “Mrs. Davis” tries to evade the reach of the powerful algorithm but becomes enmeshed in it.  She will have to fight it to ward off its control of her.

We might see in “Mrs. Davis” what today’s feast and this mass’ first reading convey.  St. Benedict evaded the evil influences of city life by retreating to the country.  There he lived a sane, wholesome life with like-minded men.  An alternative to the monastery is to battle night and day with urban evil – something like Jacob in his struggle against his intruder.

All of us should be aware that artificial intelligence can deeply influence our lives in undesirable ways.  We need to maintain some distance from computers and telephones to prevent that from happening.  We should also come closer to the Lord whom we meet in prayer, Scripture, and the sacraments.  He will lead us to the happiness that we seek in life.

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