Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Tuesday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time

(Genesis 19:15-29; Matthew 8:23-27)

Today the United States celebrates its independence from England.  Almost two and a half centuries ago fifty-six men from thirteen North American colonies signed a document listing the new country’s grievances against England.  The Declaration of Independence also stated three basic rights as its founding principles: “…Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

These principles conform to our beliefs as Catholic Christians.  We hold the right to life for every human being, from the newly conceived to the feeblest aged.  We believe in a full range of liberty, not just from external restraints but also from inner addictions like pornography.  Finally, we hope that everyone pursues true happiness which is only attainable by following the ways of the Lord.

Of course, we know that not everyone interprets the three principles in the same way.  We believe, however, that pursuing life, liberty, and happiness according to the Catholic tradition will create social harmony.  It will allow the country to celebrate its independence long into the future.

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