Monday, August 7, 2023

Monday of the Eighteenth Week in Ordinary Time

(Numbers 11:4b-15; Matthew 14:13-21)

When a commodity becomes plentiful and cheap, people look for more delectable alternatives.  At one time chicken was most families’ favorite dinner.  They reserved it for Sunday dinner after church to crown their day of leisure.  Today, with mass (and often inhumane) poultry farming, chicken has become a relatively inexpensive and somewhat prosaic dinner.  Families often prefer steak or salmon for special occasions.  In the first reading something similar is brewing.

The Israelites have grown tired of the manna which they have eaten every day for years.  They seek out Moses with the absurd complaint that they would have been better off in Egypt.  Moses then goes up to the Lord perplexed about what to do.  He knows that the people should be grateful.  At the same time he realizes that they are still not holy, still not truly the Lord’s.   

Holiness is a matter of being different.  But the difference is not being individualistic.  Rather holiness is going against the grain of human pride to give oneself completely to God.  It is overcoming the tendency to see ourselves as entitled to things.  It is recognizing everything that one has as a blessing from God.   Then it is a way of becoming a blessing to others.

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