Friday, September 15, 2023

 Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows

 (I Corinthians 11:17-26.33; John 19:25-27)

Reading the passion of Jesus in John, we don’t find any tears.  It is hard not to imagine a mother weeping for a dying son, but that is not how this gospel depicts the scene.  In truth the account does not mention what Mary and the others are doing.  It focuses on Jesus as the one who even in death directs all the action. 

Jesus presents his beloved disciple to his mother and his mother to him.  This is the Church’s beginning.  Indeed, the scene can be truthfully called “another Pentecost.”   In just a moment the gospel will specify that Jesus hands over his Spirit.  There is none there to receive it but these two and the two other women who love Jesus dearly.

We have joined this communion of love.  Whether or not there were tears at the cross, there are moments of sorrow in our lives.  Because we know that our sins have hurt others, we “weep with those who weep.”  More than that, we rejoice with those rejoicing Jesus’ victory over evil because he is delivering us from our sins.  He is making us like himself so that when we die, we will know his glory.

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