Thursday, December 7, 2023

Memorial of Saint Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

(Isaiah 26:1-6; Matthew 7:21.24-27)

St. Ambrose of Milan exemplifies the wise and just man of today’s readings.  He saw the need to resist the Arian heresy as well as the interference of the state in church affairs.  Nor did he neglect the poor.  He once advised his people that if they had two shirts in their wardrobe, one belonged to the poor person who had none.

The reading from Isaiah indicates the strength of people like Ambrose who trust in the Lord.  They cannot be defeated forever.  If a mighty power seizes them, they will resist capitulation until they are rescued.  The gospel indicates that taking to heart Jesus’ words strengthens one to resist evil in all its forms.

We may tire of hearing Jesus’ words and celebrating him in the Eucharist.  As they say, we “have seen and heard it all before.”  But we have not likely taken him to heart.  The more we do, the closer we come to Jesus who makes us strong, wise, and just.

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