Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Wednesday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

(I Kings 10:1-10; Mark 7:14-23)

Old Testament dietary laws were instituted in order to keep the nation of Israel holy.  It was always possible that Jews might imitate the evil customs of neighboring peoples.  It was thought, for example, that if Jews ate pork, in time they would practice idolatry and other sins associated with gentiles.  This background makes it difficult to appreciate Jesus’ action in today’s gospel. 

The Gospel of Mark baldly states that Jesus “declared all foods clean.”  Interestingly, the statement does not appear in the parallel section in Matthew’s gospel.  Most probably Jesus never removed Old Testament dietary restrictions.  If he had, Paul and Barnabas would not have had to go to Jerusalem to discuss the issue with the apostles there.  The statement likely comes from the apostles’ preaching to gentiles about the moral requirements of Christians after the decision to relax dietary restrictions was made.

What is critical is that we follow Jesus’ moral teachings as given in the passage.  Lust, greed, and pride are taboo if we are to follow Christ.


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