Thursday, March 7, 2024

Thursday of the Third Week of Lent

(Jeremiah 7:23-28; Luke 11:14-23)

In preparing for war, nations often demonize their enemies.  They strive to make enemies appear as less than civil, often as diabolical by telling negative stories about their characters.  When the U.S. mobilized against Iraq in 2003, Pictures were fabricated that made Saddam Hussein look like Adolph Hitler.  In World War I, the German invaders were depicted first as killing the French and Belgian civilians then as mutilating their women and children. 

In the gospel some people literally demonize Jesus.  They say that he casts out demons because he is in league with the prince of demons.  It is an ironic response, for sure, after Jesus does one of their neighbors a great service.  But, no doubt, these people are aware that accepting Jesus as one sent from God entails heeding his message of repentance.  And that requires both humility and effort. 

Perhaps many of us also are not ready to reform our lives.  After all, it will take concerted effort to stop criticizing others, to speak sincerely with adversaries, and to give generously to the needy.  But we can get beyond the stumbling blocks if we think about how much God loves us.  He has given us life and called us to be His children.  He will provide for us in death as well when we receive the full inheritance Jesus has won for us.


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