Thursday, June 27, 2024

 Thursday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time

(II Kings 24:8-17; Matthew 7:21-29)

Today’s gospel ends the Sermon on the Mount.  Jesus has proclaimed his law.  It is not just a series of prohibitions.  It contains many prescriptions or mandates that are to be followed.  Most famous is his command that followers love their enemies by doing good to their persecutors.

Several years ago a police officer was shot and killed in Texas.  His assailant was then killed.  The officer’s widow received many donations from people.  She used the money, which she didn’t need, to establish a fund for the children of her husband’s assailant.  This is the kind of love that Jesus expects of his followers.

At the very least we can pray for our enemies rather than seethe with hatred.  When we pray for those who offend us, we are likely to find opportunities to express more concretely our love for them.

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