Friday, August 2, 2024

Friday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time

(Jeremiah 26:1-9; Matthew 13:54-58)

Both readings today speak of a prophet being rejected in his native place.  Jeremiah will be spurned for telling Jerusalemites that they must repent of unfaithfulness to God.  The people of Nazareth take offense with Jesus for daring to lecture those with whom he had been raised.

Since the prophetic message is often critical, people will not want to hear it.  They are resistant to change at another’s beckoning even when it might spare them hardship.  They believe that one’s dignity is somehow heightened by having one’s own way.

We should not allow a probable negative response to prevent us from speaking the truth to family and friends.  Of course, our perception of the truth should be tested.  Also, we need to be prudent about when and how to express it.  Nevertheless, when necessary for the good of others, we should not refrain from declaring the truth.

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